"The Habit of Saying"

Perspective is the art of picturing objects as to show relative space or depth. Perspective also refers to a specific point of view. My Collages are my perspective on the world around me. They are my way of thinking about human emotions and their impact on our choices. All artwork copyright 2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011 Betsy Harnish
I created this iris linocut about 2 years ago. It is an iris that I cut in a piece of linoleum. I use it with ink to create a print of an iris. I am drawn to this flower. It is delicate and beautiful. In Victorian times the iris was often thought to symbolize virginity.
I selected a print of the iris on a brown paper bag. It provides a great contrast to the woman in her fur coat and diamond jewels. I placed the other pieces of paper on top of the iris to communicate distance. The vintage letter with the text "Here Without Him" provides the title.